Roleplay Guide
Your guide to getting started roleplaying in the community

Hollywood Roleplay Guide
Welcome to Luxe LA RP, hollywood inspired immersive roleplay on secondlife featuring LUXELIFE (LUXE'S very own custom rp needs hud), Luxe La RP hud and town controls to make your SL more interactive. For new citizens, please follow the steps below to have the best possible transition into roleplaying here with us
- Create a Character Backstory
- Get LUXELIFE and RP Huds
- Get a Job or Become a Criminal
In a city ruled by capatalism, greed, and power, those who have nothing will do anything to obtain wealth, while those who have it all will do anything to keep it. How will you maintain your position or climb the ranks in Sunset City?
Choose your Path!

This role is a multitude of non-criminal backstories. Start here if you are not sure what role to play

College Student
This role is for students of WCVU, an Ivy League college roleplay Experience

Join the force and takedown both petty criminals, felons and kingpins

Join the criminal underworld by becoming a blue collar or white collar criminal

Firefighter or EMS
Be a hero and assist police as first responders to fires and injuries involving citizens of Luxe

Save lives as an ER doc or make $ by opening a private practice at Lennox Hill Medical Center

Issue licenses, settle nasty divorces and argue to free (potentially) innocent criminals

Work your way up the ranks or apply to fast track to A list influential celebrity
Sim Backstory
In the not so distant future of 2050, a series of earthquakes triggered parts of California to break apart and shift away becoming it's own island. With tons of political unrest in the states, New California takes its opportunity to become an independant country and the rich flock to claim the most affluential part of Los Angeles, renaming it to "LUXE" after the Luxembourg family who bought a substantial amount of real estate in the city. Moving to Luxe immedietly became a social status for the wealthiest and most famous, a mecca of power. But with so much money comes a vicious food chain with a cycle of turning even the most innocent into moralless criminals in thier search for status.
To see more of the sim's stories, check out Angel's youtube and join the Roleplay discord!!
Discord - https://discord.gg/4qbdJJmDpA
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/angelfacedgaf

Quick Start Guide
Follow these steps to get started the quickest in Luxe LA RP!:
Step 1:
Accept permissions request experience when you land in Luxe LA to get your Luxe LA RP hud. This hud is your character hud and will be how you move up in closed roles on the sim. It will auto attach only when you are on a Luxe LA Affiliated Sim. Your stats will also unlock locations, parties and perks exclusive to the levels and roles you are, so choose your attribute points, faction and sub role wisely! For more info on how the Luxe LA RP Hud works, visit:
Step 2:
Grab your LIFE RP system & meter from the LIFE RP mainstore OR SecondLife Marketplace and register. This RP system is needed for combat and working for currency (its also required in certain areas of South LA criminal sim, but also provides your basic life needs for your avatar. For more info on how to play LIFE RP, visit:
Step 3:
Grab your Luxcoin Debit Card from the LIFE RP mainstore or from the Bank. You will need this card to get $LC and make purchases. For more on our currency, visit here:
Step 4:
Join the Luxe LA Hollywood Roleplay Group and the Luxe LA Discord to see whats going on in the city and connect with other residents and roleplayers.
Step 5:
Find a job, join a gang or find a home in order to start making luxcoin.