Roleplay Rules
Please read and review the rules before roleplaying with us!
Luxe LA Community Roleplay Rules
Please note that our regulations are subject to change at anytime
Roleplay Terms (Alphabetical)
- Alternative Characters – Alternative Characters are additional characters created with the Luxe lA RP hud. This may be used to further your RP or RP a totally different and unrelated character. On the Luxe LA RP hud, you can have up to 4 alternative characters however your LUXELIFE stats and money are shared between them and your main character. Your alternative characters and your main character should generally limit interaction IC. Do not use alternative avatars , colloquially known as “alts” in any way that would give yourself an advantage such as using alts to funnel money to yourself, multi-client logging alts to give yourself a security detail, etc. We discourage having or using alternative avatars in RP and consider this cheating. If found to be using alternative avatars in RP, both the alt and your main will be banned.
- Child Character – A child character is any character under the RP age (NOT Second Life or Real life age) of 18. Rules vary depending on age group, as defined in Section D.
- In Character (IC) – Conversation, information etc obtained by your character during interaction with other players’ characters. This information can be used by your character.
- Luxcoin(LC$) – Our Roleplay currency In Game
- Metagaming – The act of using information obtained out of character in character. For example, if someone messages you on Discord saying to help them because they’re being robbed in Compton, your character arriving to save them would be Metagame unless they had also been informed In Character of the robbery.
- Non-Player Character (NPC): A Non-Player character or NPC is any character in the RP not controlled by a player. NPC’s are most commonly random bystanders who can be used to call 911, man a store, etc. NPC’s are permissible so long as they act to aid a player in their RP, and not to initiate the RP. For example, a NPC bodyguard is okay if your character’s backstory permits it, but that bodyguard should only be acting defensively. Consent rule applies and players can elect not to RP with your NPC’s if they deem its unreasonable.
- Out of Character (OOC)– Conversation, information, etc obtained as you, the player. This is information your character won’t know.
- Powergaming/”Godmod” – Powergaming, otherwise known as Godmod in some circles, is the act of forcing your actions on another player. This includes acting on other players and not giving them a chance to respond, or having unrealistic character attributes that makes acting against your character impractical/impossible.
- (An example of powergaming would be Johnny punching Jack in the jaw with his robotic arm and immediately knocking him out without Jack being able to respond to the action. Both the robotic arm with superhuman strength and not giving Jack the ability to respond would constitute Powergaming.)
- Random Death Match ( RDM ) – Randomly killing a player without good rp reason
- Roleplay (RP) – Roleplay is the simple act of playing a character in the world that is Luxe LA, and interacting with other characters. Please note while other people are controlling other characters, these actions are their characters, not their own. Just because someone’s character is rude to your character doesn’t mean that that person is trying to be rude to you.
- Voiding Roleplay – The act of through consent or admin intervention disregarding a roleplay and making its outcome non-canon, thus the ‘void’ in voiding.
Base RP Rules
- All Roleplay takes place within the context of Luxe County in the State of Los Angeles within the country of New California in near future of 2050. Character backstories, technology, etc should reflect this. And be based around practical Sci-fi. Practical sci-fi refers to reasonable advancements in technology, but nothing over the top (Like sentient AI’s or Time Travel) without admin approval. If you are not sure what constitutes practical scifi, please open a general help ticket in discord and ask a Moderator. Fantasy, and medieval character backstories (to name a few) will not be allowed in RP.
- Consensual Roleplay – All roleplay between parties should be consensual in nature. This is either through direct consent or implied consent via multiple consecutive posts of interaction with another player or entering a clearly established IC space. Please respect those with OOC tags on and do not engage in roleplay with someone OOC as we have guests who frequently visit.
- Moving to void a roleplay because the roleplay isn’t going in your direction, such as trying to void a police pursuit after you’re caught or trying to void a RP where your character is kidnapped by the mob purely because the RP isn’t going your way, isn’t permitted. Try and work out an amicable solution with the other party before involving staff.
- Roleplay can only be voided with consent of all involved parties, or a staff ruling regarding a potential or actual rules violation.
- All actions by characters should not override the fact that Luxe LA is a moderate sim. Crime is permissible and encouraged, but especially gruesome scenes may be asked to be tuned down for the wider audience.
- Taking In Character Attitudes Out of Character – People play characters. These characters may not always agree with other characters. Please keep in mind that a character’s actions against you do not and should not perpetrate any issues with you as a person, or out of character. Please do not direct such complaints to staff unless you suspect another rule is being broken. They should be handled in character.
- Real World Events: While based in the contemporary United States, we are aware that many come to SL for escapism from current real world events and tragedies. Most people on SL do not want to roleplay the current ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, for example. This is a touchy subject all around as it’s hard to roleplay big city in the U.S without acknowledging these events, but we ask you be mindful that others may not want to roleplay them.
- Luxe LA identifies as a “Heavy” roleplay sim, though we try to be open to all players and backgrounds. There is no set rule on what defines “Heavy” roleplay, however we do ask all players to follow the following rules to keep character in scenes as best as possible
- Use proper punctuation, grammar, and spelling in roleplay. Emoji and smiley faces, for example, shouldn’t be used in RP scenes.
- Gestures, generally, have no place in serious RP scenes. If you are asked to stop using gestures by anyone in the RP, please do so.
- Only use voice IC. Do not use voice for OOC in public places.
- Refer to the sim as “the city” while roleplaying, do not refer to it as a “sim” “sl” or “region”
- Refer to sim restarts as “earthquakes”
- Refer to voice and mics as “Speakerphones”. If you want mics off, ask to mute all speakerphones. ((turn off mics)).
- Refer to logging off as “Flying out”
- Refer to crashing as “Fainting”
- Refer to live streaming as being on “IG Live”
- Refer to landmark links or teleports as “Ubers”
- Roleplaying Injuries – Characters are expected to roleplay injuries, mental and physical, to completion of the RP with hospital staff if staff is available. Otherwise, players must heal in the hospital to recover health fully after being knocked unconscious. Using meds or natural health remedies after being shot or critically injured is considered power gaming. Critically injured critically injured includes if blood, thirst, hunger or energy stats are at 0 or sick at 100. You must not speak or react while knocked unconscious. If you are downed and teleport to the hospital your character forgets the immediate events leading up to being downed in the current scenario. You may not teleport to hospital if you’ve been advised that police or EMS is on the way to your scene.
- Hospital staff or EMS may consent to voiding continued roleplay of injuries. Both parties may agree to speed up the recovery process to avoid anyone being injured too long, but we encourage roleplaying out medical scenarios as advised my LHMC Doctors.
- Characters can “NPC” check-out of the hospital, or jail, for that matter ONLY IF there is no appropriate staff available.
- Character Kills (CK) – Character’s may, generally, only be killed off with the consent of the player controlling the character. Sometimes your own actions can count as that consent though (at admin discretion), such as committing a string of murders then getting caught by police will generally be construed as your character’s looking at life in prison.
- Expectations in terms of consequences and death/injury are best discussed with the other parties in the RP so everyone is on the same page. Generally, though, staff won’t force outcomes on a character unless they acted extremely recklessly then tried to scrape off with minimal or no injury.
- Special Characters – Players should not play characters that are real-world celebrities such as major politicians, celebrities, etc without approval by admin and being registered on the registry. We have a celebrity roster that registers these type of players to avoid overlap. For example, there shouldn’t be two active SL Rihanna impersonators at the same time. If you play a register a rl celebrity name before registering on the roster, your character will ask to apply for the roster or be renamed or deleted.. In order to stay on the celebrity roster, you must remain active in roleplay on the sim and be roleplaying as your character at least 2 events a month. Failure to do so will result in your character removed from the roster and deleted.
- Players should also avoid creating “Mary Sue”-like characters who have an exceptionally ludicrous or unreasonable backstory for our setting. These rules keep a fair play environment for all and avoid several ‘overpowered’ characters from controlling the RP. If you insist on playing a character with a background or abilities that may be considered overpowered, consult with moderators via ticket first.
- All Commercial Rentals are considered “In Character” all the time, and as such must contain some form of In Character Business. This does not prohibit a renter from selling say clothes or other objects for a OOC Linden Charge, however they must be open to people roleplaying shopping there, etc.
- If you are driving a Vehicle in Luxe LA or a passenger, you are always In Character, No Exceptions.
- Vehicles approaching a road blocked due to a roleplay may, while staying courteous to the ongoing RP, edit their vehicle around the RP to avoid being blocked for an extended period. For example editing your vehicle around a vehicle accident to avoid being stuck behind it for a period of time. If this is a Checkpoint or similar scene where vehicles are all being stopped, you may not edit yourself around it.
- Vacant vehicles are in character and are open to things like theft RP if unlocked, please check your settings on your vehicle.
- If your vehicle is not yet registered with a plate from Luxe LA, it should not be driven unless you want to be stopped and ticketed for no registration if seen by law enforcement. Default Plates from PSC/NTBI/etc are not acceptable
Child Characters
- Child avatars should not be performing unrealistic actions for their age group. Toddlers should not realistically be surviving in the wilderness and babies should not be driving around public roads in toy cars. If you want to roam town and relax, please use a OOC tag and be courteous to others roleplay.
- Child avatars under RP age 13 should not be committing major crimes such as grand theft auto and arson without a very good reason and ideally staff permission. Common sense applies; Stealing your parents car at age 12 is reasonable, setting buildings on fire and lockpicking and stealing other people’s cars at age 8-12 not so much. Capitol crimes like attempted murder and murder should not be committed by any child avatar under age 16.
- Child injury, trauma, and death is a very touchy subject with most. Please ensure you have explicit permission from all involved (including first responders) before roleplaying injuring a young child in any substantial way, or involving them in grotesque or dramatic criminal RP such as interjecting a child avatar into a shootout.
- Child avatars under RP age 10 should not be out in public without some form of NPC or player guardian. Special events such as a child running away may be approved on a case-by-case basis by roleplay staff. The guardian if NPC’d should act in the best interest of the child and not let the child commit any crimes or questionable activities.
- Other players may ask a child avatar OOcly to leave a gruesome or uncomfortable RP such as a major crime scene. Having child avatars there can be troublesome to some RPers and this should be respected by the child avatar.