Residential Rentals
Scroll down for our most up to date direct teleports to our currently available properties
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`You have received a Beta version for testing purposes. Please collect any feedback you have, and send it to Peter Stindberg.
This Beta version will expire typically within 2 weeks after you having received it!
1. Make a COPY of your Discord object
2. Create a NEW channel in your Discord server
3. Create a NEW webhook for that channel
4. Use the COPY of the Discord object, and configure it with the new webhook
5. REMOVE all other addons from the Discord object, to avoid confusion
6. AMEND the discord.cfg notecard with all new config variables outlined below
7. ADD the Beta script(s) to the object
Discord CasperLet Interface
Functionality to test in this beta:
Add agents to the whitelist (can be used multiple times) – return link will be hidden:
noreturn = 60975877-dce6-40a3-9158-ba714d7875fa
Strict whitelisting (no return link at all):
whitelisting = strict
The manual has been updates. Script runs until November 30, 2024-`
I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.